Thursday, April 3, 2008

Critical Care Nursing is all I have ever known in my 8 year nursing career and it is what I love. I enjoy the challenges of the critically ill and the miracles that sometimes happen. However, the personalities of patients and their support systems today are quite challenging in themselves and when illness is added to that, nurses get the raw end of the deal sometimes. Whether it is those patients who think they are at a hotel and demand only the best beverages and food, a bigger television or even a Down comforter, nurses must professionally and politely inform them that this is not something hospitals provide.

We have all heard of the term "Nursing Burnout" in our nursing careers. The truth is that anyone can suffer from burnout, but nurses in particular are very vulnerable. The art of caring is both demanding and stressful at times and if it isn't managed well it progresses to burnout. Burnout is a very dark and negative place that affects us physically, mentally and emotionally. By recognizing early signs of burnout, management of stress can help prevent the rapid spiral downward. I have some tips to help!!!

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